Note: This macro *requires* the default keyboard input controls, ZXC keys for ABC (Jump, Attack, Special) inputs. This is a macro that attempts to perform the inputs to cause a glitch in Freedom Planet that prevents Milla from performing a Super Shield Burst, but makes a sound indicating that one was attempted. However, the timing on the macro is inconsistent and may do a normal burst, or fail to have the game register the Special input at all. In ten attempts, the glitch will usually occur twice. /* Instructions: 1) Open the Macro file "PhaseCube10.PMC" in Pulover's Macro Creator 2) Start Freedom Planet. 3) Confirm that the controls for Keyboard in the options are ZXC for Jump, Attack, Special. 4) Navigate to Time Trials. 5) Choose Milla as the character. 6) Select any stage, preferrably Shang Mu Academy 7) Click the start button in PMC. */ The .PMC files are intended for use with Pulover's Macro Creator, which can be downloaded here: